Tuesday, August 14, 2018

197) Unique Selling Points

197) What Is Your Unique Selling Point?

The more common phrase is "Unique Selling Proposition."

The Entrepreneur.com defines Unique Selling Proposition as:
The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition.

A unique selling point basically means, "what you and your business stands for."

It is what sets your business apart from others. Instead of trying to be known for everything, you focus on a specific or a unique selling proposition. It is what you are known for. 

In the Internet of Things era, there are information everywhere and people are constantly loaded with new information. It is Information OVERLOAD. Too many things are trying to get people's attention.

How are you going to be different and stand out from the others?

For example, this highlevelrules.blogspot.com blog focus on providing tools and resources to help Financial Consultants to excel in their Financial Services. The main focus is on Unit Trust Consultants and Private Retirement Scheme Consultants.

If you are in the Financial services, you differentiate your services from others. Let's say you have legal working experience and many of your clients are lawyers and those in the legal industry. So you can focus on financial planning for lawyers. You definitely will understand lawyer's financial needs better than the other financial consultants. You can also help lawyers to do business plan for their legal firm's financial needs.

As another example, you are a young financial consultant. Your clients are mostly the Millennials in the early 20s, those who just started work or just started their own online businesses. So, you focus on your experience handling the young investors. You will be able to understand and relate the financial problems of the young people. You know they have little money and the money is mostly spent on the latest gadgets. That is your Unique Selling Point. You are the expert in Financial planning for the millennials.

What if you are very new. You have no clients at all. One idea you can try is to find out everything you can about a certain client type. Let's say you want to target Accountants. Then you can read and google about them. What are their financial issues? Where do they work at? What are their associations and clubs? Where do they normally meet? What are the best time to contact them?

Find out all you can about your target market.

What is your Unique Selling Point that others will remember you?

If you can't list your Unique Selling Points, you won't be remembered.

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