Monday, December 4, 2017

137) Not The Best, But Good Enough

137) Not To Be The Best, But Be Good Enough.

Image result for good enough

Many people try their best to be the best. In the end, many got frustrated, angry, disappointed and even feel like a failure.

If you think about yourself, you want to be better than everyone else. You want to be the best. Look deeper into this thinking. You are actually in Competitive mode. Those not in your team are your competitor. There will be a point where even your best friend is your competitor as you want to be the BEST of the BEST.

To be Number One means the rest have to lose to you. You must beat the rest. If you can't beat them, then one of them will beat you and be number one.

Now, stand back for a while and look at what you want to accomplish. What is your actual objective?
Do you need to be the best? Most of the time, you don't have to be the best, but just be good enough.

For example, you don't have to be the richest person to help others. You don't have to be the smartest to enter the university. You don't have to be the prettiest to be liked by others. You don't have to be the fastest to reach your destination. You don't have to be the best driver to send your kids to school.

What you need is just be GOOD Enough to accomplish your objectives. If your objective is to send your kids to school, then be a good enough driver to reach the school and home safely. If you are a financial planner, you just have to be good enough to help others plan for their future financial needs.

If your objective is to earn money for your family, then learn good enough knowledge to earn enough money. Do you have to make so much money and work so late until you don't get to see your family?

What does your family really need from you? 
What's the real objective of you working?

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A doctor works at the clinic is already good enough and can already treat normal sickness. However, a surgeon must work harder to have good enough skill to operate on a person. A nose specialist have to be good enough to treat the nose sickness.

To be the BEST, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Sometimes a lot of money is used to improve yourself. If  you try to keep improving, you will get better. However, the additional small improvement takes so much more effort and time.

You can see this in most sports. The sportsperson train so hard since young and keep training to be the best player. The sportsperson's objective is to be the best player. Nothing else matters and there is not much help to others.

Once you are good enough and achieve your goals, then you should spend more time and effort helping others.

You can be the Best, but ask yourself how does being the best can help others?
Most probably it is only to feed your self ego.

Be GOOD ENOUGH to help others.
Let your knowledge be known and shared with others.

I learned this message and want to share with you. At the end, the other world does not use the currency and riches you accumulated in this world.


  1. Appreciable blog, i liked what you have said that be a good enough for yourself, for your family. We can not be the best one but we can be a good enough to be a successful person in front of others.
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