Friday, June 29, 2018

184) You Cannot be the BEST in Everything

184) You Cannot be the BEST in Everything.


You may want to be the Number 1 or the BEST in everything. But, it is impossible.
In fact, don't even try as it will drive you to go crazy.

You cannot be the FASTEST and yet be the BIGGEST.
Cheetah s the fastest animal on land, but is medium in size. It is Bigger than a mouse, but Smaller than an elephant. The cheetah's size is just enough to provide the muscle strength to be fast, and light enough to build the speed fast.

You cannot be the SMALLEST and yet be the HEAVIEST.
A mouse may be the smallest mammal, so cannot be heavy. The mouse size is just enough for it to go around looking for food at many places and well hidden from other animals. You can always spot an elephant from far away, but will not be able to notice a mouse near you.

You cannot be the BEST football player and also be the BEST badminton player.
You cannot be the BEST car racer and also the FASTEST runner.
You can only focus your time and effort to be good in one area. Your body, muscles and bones are shaped and trained to be good in the sports you focus on.

The hands of  a badminton player is much more agile than the hands of a footballer. The legs of a footballer are trained for long periods of running and stopping. The footballer needs to run over a bigger area. A badminton player's legs are trained for fast and short distance movements.

So, you don't even have to be BEST in anything, but be GOOD enough to accomplish what you want. Trained yourself to be Good and Focus on the goals you desire.

Fighting hard to be the best takes a lot of time, energy, resources and money.
You will feel good when you are recognized being the best in something. But, then you will be your own competitor.

Now you want to be the BEST of your previous selves. If you just became the BEST this year, then were you the best of your previous years?

Be happy and grateful of what you have. It is not what you have, but how well you use of what you have will determine your success.

You don't have to be the BEST, just be GOOD enough is enough.

Just Be Continuously BETTER than your previous self. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

183) Malaysia CPI By Month

183) Malaysia CPI By Month

Malaysia Consumer Price Index (CPI) by month, based on changes year on year.

Source from Department of Statistics Malaysia

The 12 Main Groups
1) Food & Non-alcoholic beverages
2 Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco
3) Clothing & Footwear
4) Housing, Water, Electric, Gas & Other Fuels
5) Furnishing, Household Equipment & Routine Household Maintenance
6) Health
7) Transport
8) Communications
9) Recreation Service & Culture
10) Education
11) Restaurants & Hotels
12) Miscellaneous Goods & Services

From the 12 main groups, the 3 main groups with highest weightage as of May 2018 are:
1) Food & Non-alcoholic beverages (29.5%)
2) Housing, Water, Electric, Gas & Other Fuels (23.8%)
3) Transport (14.6%)

These 3 Main groups already made up of 67.9%.
More than 2/3 of price index.

Info Graphics of Malaysia CPI from Aug 2017 to May 2020.

CPI for May 2020 

CPI for Apr 2020.

CPI for Mar 2020.

CPI for Feb 2020.

CPI for Jan 2020.

CPI for Dec 2019.

CPI for Nov 2019.

CPI for Oct 2019.

CPI for Sep 2019.


CPI for Aug 2019.


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CPI for Jul 2019.

CPI for Jun 2019.


CPI for May 2019.


CPI for April 2019.

CPI for March 2019.


CPI for February 2019.

CPI for January 2019.


 CPI for December 2018.

CPI for November 2018.


CPI for October 2018.


CPI for September 2018.



CPI for August 2018.


 CPI for July 2018.

 Main Groups CPI % Changes for Jun & Jul 2018.

CPI for Jun 2018.

CPI from Previous Months

Main Groups Weightage as per May 2018.

182) Malaysia GDP Quarters

182) Malaysia Economy GDP Growth Rate By Quarters

Graphics from Q1 2016 to Q2 2019.

Source from Department of Statistics Malaysia

GDP for 2Q2019 

GDP for 1Q2019 

GDP for 4Q2018 

GDP for 3Q2018 

GDP for 2Q2018

GDP for 1Q2018

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