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Upcoming Classes & Events

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Day & Date          Topic             Venue        Remarks
Mon 2 Dec 2019           CA2               PFCC         Confirmed

Topic Codes:
UUTB - Understanding Unit Trust Basics
FUTI - Fundamentals of Unit Trust Investment
FIFR - Fund Information and Financial Reports
EIQFR - Economic Indicators & Quarterly Fund Review
ILUT2 - Investment Link and Unit Trust
RTE - Road To Entrepreneurship
CRU - Customer Retention and Upselling
CA2 - CAMS2 and Apps
CUTE - CUTE Tutorial
IEF - Insights of Equity Funds
EYRP - Enhancing Your Retirement with PRS
PRS - PRS Exam Module
PRSFP - PRS Familiarization Program
Sales Pattern - Sales Pattern Workshop
ROPE - Reality or Perception Workshop
KCS - Kick Start to Corporate Sales

Topic Descriptions:

Learn the basics of Unit Trust and prepare for the Computerized Unit Trust Exam (CUTE) Exam. Practice and discussion on answering sample Questions.

Learn the fundamentals of Unit Trust. Know about the 3 Asset classes, which are Equity, Bond and Money Market. Appreciate the different percentages of Equity, Bond & Money Market that forms the various fund types. Know about Dollar Cost Averaging, Asset Rebalancing and Switching.

Know about the information contains in the Master Prospectus and a fund's Annual Report. Know the component of fund returns and how fund Total Returns, Total Average Return and Annualized Returns are calculated. Understand how funds are diversified into different investments and different countries.

Learn the components of Economic Indicators such as GDP, Inflation, Market Returns. Compare the different returns from different funds. Calculate the annualized returns of a fund from yearly return. Appreciate the Lipper and Morning Star ratings. Understand the volatility between Equity and Bond funds.

Appreciate the differences between savings, investment and protection. Know the characteristics of Investment Link product, differences with Unit Trust and the insurance products in the market.

Learn the mindset of building pipelines. Think like a business owner and investor. Learn to identify the DISC personality profile and how to deal with different DISC profiles.

Learn the different levels of Customer Service. What Customers expect and beyond. Learn to review the different areas of investment. Recognize the fund performance differences in different market and fund types

Learn to use and apply the CAMS2 and Adept software. Learn to display different fund performances and funds comparisons. Prepare customized presentations for new investor or to recruit potential Unit Trust Consultants.

Spend 1 full day doing the 3 sets of sample CUTE Exam Questions. Discussion of the Answers after every sample set.

Learn more about Equity funds. What are the components stock types? Differences between Equity Funds, ETF, REITS, Closed End Funds.

EYRP (NEW Course) - 1/2 Day
Enhance your retirement planning with PRS. Learn how to calculate for Retirement planning.

Learn about Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) and prepare for the PRS Exam. Get to know the structure, regulators, benefits of PRS. Get the knowledge and how to benefit your clients.

Sales Pattern Workshop
Recognize your Sales Pattern to plan your Sales Target. Understand where are your strong and weak months. Understand your customers group. What is SMARTER goals?

ROPE Workshop
Reality Or PErception. Understand the factors affecting the Unit Trust Equity funds performance. Is it possible to predict the market? Do fund size, new or old fund, higher vs lower unit price have any impact on the fund performance. Is distribution important? What is the difference between Dividend and Distribution?

KCS (NEW Course)
Start your business to promote to Corporate. Learn how to identify potentials for Corporate Sales. Provide solutions to Corporate in optimizing their Cash Flow and retain Staff program.

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254) How to Increase Your Unit Trust Units Easily?

254) How to Increase the No of Unit Trust Units Easily? This is an interesting question that will always excite Unit Trusts Consultants and ...

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