TVM Samples

Time Value of Money Formula:

FV = PV(1+i)^n

Link to Financial Calculators by Bishinew Incorporated 

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Apple App Store: EZ Financial Calculator 

Future Values

Example FV01:

How much will $10,000 be in 10 years time and have an annualized returns of 7%?

PV = $10,000

i = 7%

n = 10 years

Answer: FV = $19,671.51 

Note: The negative value shows the opposite of initial value. Eg. If you deposit $10,000 you will able to withdraw -$19,671.51.

Example FV02:

How much will $10,000 be in 5 years time and with annual rate of returns of 8%?

PV = $10,000

i = 8%

n = 5 years

Answer: FV = $14,693.28

Example FV03:

How much will $500 monthly investments (starting now) will be in 20 years time and with annual rate of returns of 8%?

PMT = $500

i = 8%

n = 240 months (20 years)

Compounding = Monthly

Mode: Beginning

Answer: FV = $296,473.61

Example FV04:

How much will $500 monthly investments (starting end of the month) will be in 20 years time and with annual rate of returns of 8%?

PMT = $500

i = 8%

n = 240 months (20 years)

Compounding = Monthly

Mode: End

Answer: FV = $294,510.21

Example FV05:

How much will initial $1,000 and monthly $200 be in 20 years time and with annual rate of returns of 8%?

PV = $1,000

PMT = $200

Annual rate, i = 8%

Periods, n = 240 months (20 years)

Mode: End

Answer: FV = $122,730.89

Present Values

Example PV01:

How much to invest now to get $10,000 in 10 years time and have an annualized returns of 7%?

FV = $10,000

i = 7%

n = 10 years

Answer: PV = $5,083.49

Example PV02:

How to get $10,000 in 5 years time and with annual rate of returns at 8%? How much to save now?

FV = $10,000

i = 8%

n = 5 years

Answer: PV = $6,805.83


Example PMT01:

How much to invest yearly starting now to get $10,000 in 5 years time and have an annualized returns of 8%?

FV = $10,000 

i = 8%

n = 5 years

Mode: Beginning

Answer: PMT = $1,578.30

Example PMT02:

How much to invest yearly starting at the end of the year, to get $10,000 in 5 years time and have an annualized returns of 8%?

FV = $10,000 

i = 8%

n = 5 years

Mode: End

Answer: PMT = $1,704.56

Example PMT03:

I want to invest $50,000 now. How much to invest monthly starting now, to get $1,000,000 in 25 years time and with an annualized returns of 8%?

PV = $50,000

FV = $1,000,000 

i = 8%

n = 300 months (25 years)

Compounding: Monthly

Mode: Beginning

Answer: PMT = $1,427.88 per month

Example PMT04:

How much monthly withdrawal for 20 years (withdraw at the end of the month) will you get if you invest $500,000 now? Your investment will still give annualized returns of 8% per annum.

FV = $500,000 

i = 8% p.a.

n = 240 months (20 years)

Compounding = Monthly

Mode: End

Answer: PMT = $4,182.20 monthly withdrawal

Return Rate, I

Example I01:

What is the required yearly return rate for $500 yearly investments at the beginning of the years to get $10,000 in 10 years.

FV = $10,000 

PMT = -$500 yearly

n = 10 years

Mode: Beginning

Answer: i= 12.304% yearly

Note: Remember to add negative sign at the payments to show you pay out the yearly amount.

Example I02:

What is the required yearly return rate for $500 yearly investments at the end of the years to get $10,000 in 10 years.

FV = $10,000 

PMT = -$500 yearly

n = 10 years

Mode: End

Answer: i= 14.691% yearly

Note: Remember to add negative sign at the payments to show you pay out the yearly amount.


Example N01:

How many $500 yearly investments at the beginning of the years to get $10,000 and with an annualized returns of 8%?

FV = $10,000 

i = 8%

PMT = $500 yearly

Mode: Beginning

Answer: N= 11.81 times (years)

Example N02:

How many $500 yearly investments at the end of the years to get $10,000 and with an annualized returns of 8%?

FV = $10,000 

i = 8%

PMT = $500 yearly

Mode: End

Answer: N= 12.42 times (years)

Cost of Procrastination

Example CP01:

Ali and Andrew are good friends and are of the same age. Ali started investing $200 per month at age 25. Andrew started investing $200 per month at age 35.  Both invested for 10 years only. What are the amounts accumulated at age 55? What is the amount difference between Ali & Andrew? Assume annualized returns of 8%.

Ali Step 1 : Age 25 to 35

i = 8%

PMT = $200 monthly

Mode: Beginning

n = 120 months (10 years)

Compounding: Monthly

After 10 years, FV = $36,833.14

Ali Step 2 : Age 35 to 55

i = 8%

PV = $36,833.14

Mode: Beginning

n = 20 years

Compounding: Annually

After next 20 years, FV = $171,677.69

Andrew Step 1 : Age 35 to 45

i = 8%

PMT = $200 monthly

Mode: Beginning

n = 120 months (10 years)

Compounding: Monthly

After 10 years, FV = $36,833.14 (Note: Same as Ali)

Andre Step 2 : Age 45 to 55

i = 8%

PV = $36,833.14

Mode: Beginning

n = 10 years

Compounding: Annually

After next 10 years, FV = $79,519.99

The difference = $171,677.69 - $79,519.99 = $92,157.70

Ali took advantage of 10 more years to accumulate his investments. 

Conclusion: Start investing early and use the power of compounding and longer time in the investments.

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