Monday, January 15, 2018

148) Asking for Recruitment

148) Asking for Recruitment

Image result for recruitment

Unit Trust Consultants usually want to expand their team and have more downlines. It is more fun when you do things together with friends or business associates. With more people, you will have a more dynamic team. There will be more strengths in different areas, experience and backgrounds. You are able to synergize the strengths of a diverse team.

Being a leader who trains others to be successful is a fulfilling experience that money cannot buy.

Therefore, it is very important to always look for more recruits.
Just start ASKING everyone.

I have met many Unit Trust Consultants (UTCs) that did not ask their clients, relatives, neighbours and friends to join his or her team. It ended up they joined somebody else. 

The reason most of the friends and relatives gave was that they did not know that the UTC was looking for people to join. So, they just joined the first person that asked them.

Even if they did not join you now, the message is already in their mind. They will remember you if they changed their mind later. Even they can be your extra referral source. Maybe somebody else is looking to be a Unit Trust Consultant or looking for something to do. Your name will be the first come to their mind.

You will not lose anything by asking. Okay, maybe just a few seconds of your life.
But the benefits are great and unlimited.

If you don't ask, someone else will ask.

If you always ask, you will get something;
If you never ask, you will get nothing.

An example of recruitment sentences you can use.

Mr Client, we are always looking for more people to join us and expand our team. We need more people to continue the work we do. Our main task is to share knowledge on how to plan and achieve everyone’s future financial goals.

 Related image

We always have fun and associate ourselves with positive people. We meet regularly, learn together, help one another and motivate one another. Doing things together strengthen our relationships.

- Would you like to get to know my team members?
- Do you know of people who are looking for more income?
- Do you know of anyone who are looking to start a business with very low cost?
- Do you know of people who are looking for part-time work?
- Do you know of retirees and housewives who are looking for something to do?
- Do you know of fresh graduates who want to start a business?

 Do continue to add more questions for your recruitment work.

Link to an article on "Why Should You Consider Becoming a UTC?"

Image result for help each other grow picture

1 comment:

  1. While going for recruitment a person should have done all the necessary analysis regarding requirement of skills and qualification. Hire people with different qualities and skillful person rather than hiring employees who act just like others.
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