Monday, July 23, 2018

189) Business Owner vs Investor

189) Business Owner vs Investor

What are the Difference Between a Business Owner and Investor?
Let us focus our discussion on businesses only. 

Basically, both people trying to make more money from doing businesses. For business owners, they work hard and spend a lot of time into providing products and services to their clients.

For investors into businesses, they provide the money for the business to start and operate. The money is used to provide the means to pay for things and services to run the business. It consists of buildings, electricity, materials, machinery, computers, staff salary, advertisements, etc.

In short,
Business owners work for the money.
Investors let their money work for them.

What about Employees? Employees work for other people's business.

What about Self-employed? They work for their own business. Very similar to Business owners, except that Self-employed do not employ others to do the business..

Now, the next question is, who can be investors of businesses?

The simple answer is EVERYONE.
As long as you have money, you can be an investor.

How can you buy into big businesses? 
One way is to buy the shares of the existing businesses.

The next important question is which shares to buy? 
How to manage the investment?
Who can help me to handle my investment?

A very simple and convenient way is to invest into a Unit Trust fund. 

You only need a small amount to invest into a Unit Trust fund. You can increase your investment as you have more money. There are no compulsory commitment and very flexible in your investments.

Ask your Unit Trust Consultant for more details.

For more articles:

177) Investing vs Trading

169) Unit Trust Business vs Other Business

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