Tuesday, July 18, 2017

84) How to check if a business is valid?

84) How to check if a business is valid?

These few questions to ask:
a) How the business or company generate profit?
b) What are the risks in the business?
c) Is there any regulator to monitor the company or business?

Test Questions (Yes/No):
a) Is there any guaranteed return?
b) Does it promise high monthly or yearly return?
c) Must you recruit to get higher return rate?
d) Must you put in more money for higher return rate?

If the answer is "YES" to any of above, then be careful.
If the answer is "YES" to all, then be VERY CAREFUL.

“Never invest in a business you cannot understand.”
~ Warren Buffet
Image result for never invest in a business you cannot understand
Don't get involved in the scam and join those businesses that promises high returns without proper business. 

When you join, you will look for family members, friends,  colleagues and neighbours to join you.

These people trusted you and join you partly because they respect your knowledge.
If the investment turned bad, you will affect the people close to you.

You may think that you can come in fast and get out fast. However those join after you may not be able to get out fast enough. 

You got out happy, but they will be stuck and lost their money.

The good relationship will be affected by your recommendation in the investment. So, please think again before getting others involved. 


  1. Definitely spot-on.. even plants and animals need time to grow.. likewise investment.. unless we are talking about genetically modified plants and animals...which in the end bring us more harm than wellbeing in lives.

  2. Agree with you. Everything needs time and good environment to grow. So are businesses. Anything that grows out of nothing will eat itself. Just like the scam, it will feed on the new money that comes in. After a while, it will just collapse.


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