Thursday, July 6, 2017

39) If I Think I Can, I Can... It Just Doesn't Work

39) If I Think I Can, I Can... It Just Doesn't Work

"If I Think I Can, I Can" is a famous motivation quote.

I heard this a long time ago and still hear this once a while.

Do you really think it works just like that?

Let's look into the definition of Think. There are 28 definitions of the word Think from

The first definition of Think is to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, etc.

As there many definitions, different people have different meanings to it.
Let's use the third definition is "to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts."

So, if I think I Can earn $1,000,000. The earning of $1,000,000 is the subject in my thoughts. 
But, thinking about earning $1,000,000 just doesn't work

The quote "If I Think I Can, I Can" means that, if I can think and take appropriate planned actions to get what I want, I Can get it.

Think And Take Appropriate Planned Actions

Small Result requires Small Planned Actions
Big Result requires Big Planned Actions
Massive Result requires Massive Planned Actions

There must be planned actions taken after the thinking. Nothing will happen if you just think about it.
If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you believe that your thinking will attract the things you want.

It is alright if you are willing to wait for the universe to bring the result to you.

It will be much better and faster when you do something about it. There must be planned actions.
You can and should think, plan and take the appropriate actions to get the results you want.

Let's say that you think you can achieve $1,000,000 sales within a year.

What is the probability of achieving the $1,000,000 sales if you just sit at home and thinking about it?
Not much chances, right? The sales won't come to you without any action taken.

What is the probability when you start to think, plan and take appropriate actions?
The chances will be almost certain that you achieve the $1,000,000 sales.

You can use the 4 Coaching Questions to get the results you want.

1) Why Not?
2) How To?
3) What Else?
4) Which Ones?

First you can think of what was stopping you before. Ask yourself WHY you are NOT able to achieve the sales. Find out the problems and plan on HOW TO overcome them. Think about the solutions to the problems.

Next, you can think of the ways on HOW TO get the sales.
Think of one solution after another. Just let you mind thinks of the the many possible ways HOW TO get more sales. Let the mind thinks freely, without any judgement or criticism. Record and write down all the possible solutions.

Keep asking yourself WHAT ELSE? Continue asking until you have enough possible solutions to get the sales. It is alright if you just have a few to start with.

Then you can ask yourself WHICH ONES are the most APPROPRIATE ACTIONS to take. Think, plan and decide the best ones to do first.

Once you have the PLANS, you can TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTIONS.

You may only able to come out with a few plans only. It's alright. You can always add more solutions later. Your thinking mind will come up with new solutions when you least expect it. You can also discuss with others on the possible solutions. Your more experienced friends can give some advise. Brainstorming sessions with others also helps.

You can use the SMART goals method to achieve the result you want.
1) Specific
2) Measurable
3) Achievable
4) Realistic
5) Time Based

Plan to track your results along the way. Breakdown the sales amount to smaller achievable results. For example, you can plan to achieve $100,000 per month. Break it down into $25,000 per week. Or even into $5,000 per day.

So, now your target is just $5,000 a day. It is an easier and smaller target to achieve.

Now that you have already thought of the appropriate actions, you will be more ready to achieve the results you want.

So remember to develop your

Take Appropriate Planned Actions Habits (TAPAH)

View a short video on TAPAH here
Image result for appropriate action


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